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  • Bioquirama SAS. ®

    Bioquirama SAS is a Colombian company committed to sustainable development, serving the agricultural sector, for the production of biological inputs as an alternative for crop protection. It has a technical and scientific department with extensive experience in phytosanitary matters, which has allowed him to develop innovative, safe and cost-effective to ensure safe agricultural production, friendly solutions; environmentally responsible producers and consumers.

  • Bio-Imputs

    We are a company that produces and markets Bioinsumos for sustainable management of pests and diseases; moreover, they can be used in improving the soil health and to promote plant growth..

  • Flowers

    Bioquirama SAS has specialized in the production and marketing of a wide variety of Hydrangeas Hydrangeas or as a cut flower, to meet international markets. The quality standards of our products start with organic production, using themselves for the prevention and control of insect and mite pests and crop diseases bioinputs, ensuring the safety and protection of the environment and customers.

  • Research

    The technical department develops BIOQUIRAMA SAS agroecological solutions through applied research, to contribute to sustainable agriculture . Our research is directed towards maintaining and improving the nutritional status of soils with mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobacteria; plant protection of crops such as flowers, vegetables, forest, grass, fruit trees, herbs, seasoning, etc. , by employing antagonistic microorganisms, entomopatógenos, bactericides , fungicides, miticides, nematicides and molluscicides .

  • Research

    The technical department develops BIOQUIRAMA SAS agroecological solutions through applied research, to contribute to sustainable agriculture . Our research is directed towards maintaining and improving the nutritional status of soils with mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobacteria; plant protection of crops such as flowers, vegetables, forest, grass, fruit trees, herbs, seasoning, etc. , by employing antagonistic microorganisms, entomopatógenos, bactericides , fungicides, miticides, nematicides and molluscicides .




Active ingredient

richoderma harzianum 0.5 x 1012 conidia /L.
Trichoderma asperellum 0.5 x 1012 conidia /L.
Inert Ingredient
Adherents and natural surfactants
Reverse suspension

BIOHAR It is a product for agricultural use that contains conidia of Trichoderma harzianum for the prevention and control of pathogenic fungi such as: Fusarium spp, Rhizoctonia spp, Phytophthora spp, Verticillium spp, Sclerotinia spp and Phoma spp and others; as well as growth promoter in plants.

BIOHAR contains strains of Trichoderma that are used as biocontrol agents through different mechanisms of action in their antagonistic interaction with phytopathogenic fungi. These include competition for substrate or space and nutrients, antibiosis through the production of several compounds with antibiotic activity, mycoparasitism or hyperparasitism, production of extracellular lytic enzymes, especially chitinases, glucanases and proteases, which degrade the cell walls of the pathogen. One aspect that guarantees effective colonization is the uniform application of the product throughout the substrate.

BIOHAR has the capacity to induce defense mechanisms activating compounds for the induction of resistance, the solubilization of nutritious elements making them available to the plant and in general they create a favorable environment for the radical growth of the plants.

Vegetables: tomato,
paprika, cucumber,
Rhizoctonia, Fusarium,
Phoma, Verticillium,
Sclerotinia, Phytophthora
1 to 2 cc/Lt.
Apply 3 to 5 days before planting.
Repeat 15 to 20 days after planting.
Cut flowers
Rhizoctonia, Fusarium,
Sclerotinia, Botrytis
1 to 2 cc/Lt.
Apply 3 to 5 days before planting.
Repeat 15 to 20 days after planting.
Banana and Plantain
Mal de panamá
1 to 2 cc/Lt.
Submerge the base of the seedlings or rhizomes.
1 to 2 cc/Lt.
Sprinkle the tubers before sowing.
Oil palm
1 to 2 cc/Lt.
Apply to the ground.
Fruit trees: blackberry,
tomato tree,
avocado, lulo,
passion fruit
Fusarium, Phytophthora
Nemátodos (Meloidogyne)
1 to 2 cc/Lt.
Apply to the soil or irrigation system.

BIOHAR must be stored in its original and closed packaging, in a cool, dry and shady place. In these conditions it lasts 6 months after formulated.

Before using it, it is recommended to shake the BIOHAR and dilute it in one or two liters until it is completely homogenized and then proceed to complete the desired volume. It should be ensured that it covers the plant and the soil homogeneously where diseases occur. High pressure nozzles are recommended for fog and fine droplets to form. To achieve greater effectiveness of BIOHAR it is preferable to apply it as a pre-ventive of diseases.

BIOHAR is compatible in tank with most insecticides. Do not mix with fungicides of unknown compatibility. Consult the Technical Department of BIOQUIRAMA your concerns or suggestions.

It does not require a period of deficiency, but it is advisable to use the minimum protection equipment for spraying the product in crops. For better product effectiveness consult our technical department.

BIOHAR is presented to the public in liquid formulation in suspension concentrated in packages of: 1, 4, 10 and 20 Liters.


ICA Production Record 1384