METARAN Contains selected natural pathogenic strains of Metarhizium anisopliae that affect insects of the order Coleóptera (cucarrones) and Hemíptera (spittlebugs); Similarly, control of mule ants and ticks that attack cattle has been observed.
METARAN in an entomopathogenic product that affects more than 300 species of seven orders of insects. Coleoptera (cucarrones) are the preferred species for this fungus. The affected insects are initially covered with a white mycelium, later they acquire a powdery greenish coloration. When the spores or conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus come into contact with the skin (integument) of the insects, they adhere strongly and germinate, then initiate a process of penetration of the cuticle by the action of enzymes. When they penetrate the skin, they pass into the insect and vegetative development begins through the production of mycelium.