YODAGRO is a product iodophor disinfectant activity, microbicide action on fungi, bacteria and nematodes. The active ingredient is stable -iodo YODAGRO freely and is specially formulated for use in agriculture. To be translocated foliar or radicularmente increases storage proteins and stimulates the formation of chlorophyll; therefore, the levels of sugars which are essential for better plant growth are increased. Also it has an effect on plant viruses.
YODAGRO acts by contact, protectant and curative action for Disease Control and bacterial pathogens in plants complexes, substrates, tools, environments and postharvest water for agricultural use.
YODAGRO effectively controls pathogenic organisms causing oxireducción to the cell wall, controlling the different forms of bacteria and fungi in addition to the total destruction of reproductive structures preventing reinfection and thus its mode of action does not create resistance.
Below it is reported some of the pathogens that are controlled by YODAGRO: